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Are we there yet?

For most of us, when we take a trip or schedule a vacation, the fun begins upon our arrival at our destination. We endure the difficult tasks of planning, packing and of course traveling, knowing soon we'll be on location! But if we think about most of our trips we probably spend at least two days coming and going. Two days on a week long trip is quite a bit of time (you can do the math). Traveling to our destination we are filled with excitement, anxious about what the near future holds. On our way home we are more likely tired and dreading settling back into our routine. In both circumstances we are thinking and living outside of the moment. Our minds are in a future place. The last place we want to be is traveling! We either want to be at our location or home. But not in transit to either location.

If you stop and think for a moment, this is how we live most of our lives. We are always in transition. Heading from day to day, week to week, year to year. Usually our minds are focused on what's just ahead. Without realizing it we are missing the most important time. The moment we are in! Paul gives great instructions to Christians in Ephesians 5. He also encourages us to be alert in the here and now.

15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil

I think it's safe to say most of us want to see the end of COVID 19. We want to be out of isolation, and through with social distancing (except our introvert friends), back to our normal routine, and on to our next destination. But this is the moment we have. This is the day we are in. Are we making the most of this time? Right now we can grow closer to the Lord, pray for each other, reach out and comfort, encourage, and in some way help someone around us. Are we aware of this? Or are we past this moment already thinking and longing for what's just ahead?

To me part of the fun of a trip are the travel days. Discovering a new place to eat, driving a different route, singing to the radio, laughing with the ones around you! Maybe being stuck in a car isn't your idea of fun. But making the most of it sure beats staring out of the window with a miserable attitude for two days. Today is a new day. Make the most of it!

In Christ

Pastor Wes

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