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Be Still...


Be still. This seems like a simple command to follow. Yet from the time we are children we have difficulty obeying this simple request. We find as parents we have to repeat the instructions to our children, again and again and again (you get the point). And often instead of an immediate response of silence, this request is met with questions. Questions like, why? Or do I have to? For how long? To be still even for a moment is so difficult, regardless of our age. It is especially difficult when we are waiting on an answer, or a breakthrough in the circumstances we are dealing with. We are conditioned to the teaching; action produces results. And to be still contradicts that notion. We believe if we are still we are wasting time, missing opportunities, spinning our wheels, and falling behind. When we think like this it increases our stress, worries, doubts, and magnifies our fears.

Be still, and know that I am God.

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10

We tell our children to be still because we are trying to communicate something to them, protect them, or even to conserve their energy. God who knows far more than we do commands us to be still for many of the same reasons. And even more importantly He commands us to be still because He's in control! Psalm 46 begins with the psalmist praising God for His presence and protection during hardship. It ends with God instructing His children to relax (sit still) and trust in His plan and purpose for them. God is not calling for us to be lazy, or apathetic to our surroundings. He is calling us to listen intently to Him, to become dependent on Him, to be renewed through Him, and to completely trust in Him. We cannot do that by trying to forge our own path, run in our own strength, think in our own wisdom, control our own circumstances. We only experience the full joy of the Lord when we are still!

Are you growing restless in your current situation? Are you longing for when you can come and go as you please? Maybe the Lord wants to speak to us during in this time . Maybe He has slowed us down to have our full attention. Remember in ALL circumstances the Lord wants to teach us, deepen our faith, and draw us closer to Him. Are you looking and listening for the Lord today? Maybe we should embrace the simplicity of being still so we can clearly hear our Father speak.

In Christ

Pastor Wes

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