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Lessons Learned


What is the last test you remember taking? When we finish school one thing we are most excited about is the idea of no more tests! We believe that at the end of our formal education we will no longer be faced with the challenge of passing or failing an exam. That is a relief to many of us. The pressure of taking an exam or test can be very overwhelming. And the thought of failing one can be stressful. Then we find out the harsh reality that in life we are always being tested. And the fear of failing life's test can be even more devastating. But in Christ we have everything necessary for all of these tests.

17 O God, from my youth you have taught me,

and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.

18 So even to old age and gray hairs,

O God, do not forsake me,

until I proclaim your might to another generation,

your power to all those to come. Psalm 71

One thing we quickly understand in our journey of faith is the Lord is always teaching us. He is teaching us about Himself and His will and preparing us for all circumstances. This does not mean the tests aren't difficult, and that we won't stumble along the way. But with our eyes on Christ we never fail. He sustains us and keeps us. So while you are dealing with circumstances, taking another life test, don't do it alone. Call out to Him and ask for comfort, wisdom, and strength to make the right choice. Then make it a practice to praise Him during and after each test. Share your faith with the generation behind you so they too may find their way on life's journey. It would be reckless to hold a key that unlocks the door for someone to pass through to safety and never offer it to them. What are you passing on to the people around you? The ones who a looking to you for advice and insight.

The key to life is not found in our experience, education, or wealth. Leaving these to the generation after us will not prepare them for life's tests. The key to life is found in a relationship with Jesus. Through this relationship we learn and grow from His teaching. This helps us as we navigate through life's many obstacles. And as long as we live we are always learning and growing. This time in our lives is no different. The world may have slowed or even stopped around us. But Jesus is still speaking and teaching right here right now. Are you listening? Are you learning? Don't leave this season without the wisdom the Lord is sharing with us. Prepare for the test that is about to come!

In Christ

Pastor Wes

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