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We're Back...Kind of


Sunday marked our first worship service together in quite some time. It was a beautiful morning to gather together and worship the Lord! To say it was different would be an understatement. But it was enjoyable none the less. There is something very refreshing about gathering together. Why is that?

1 I was glad when they said to me,

“Let us go to the house of the LORD!” Psalm 122

We are created for fellowship. Now some of us like more people around than others! But we all need human interaction in our lives. That is how God designed us. The church (body of Christ) is no different. We can read, pray, even sing on our own. And we should! But there is something fulfilling for our spirit to join together in person with other Christians. We draw strength and encouragement from one another. We find compassion and love through the church family. It's uplifting to sing with one voice and to hear the same passage of scripture. It keeps our minds and hearts in tune with the Lord. And we need that in this broken world we live in. We are designed to be together! Let's not take that for granted. Sometimes the ruts of life can take away this pleasure. Church like many other things can become a routine. Routines often become dull and that leads to complacency. We can go through the motions without any real emotion. Yes serving the Lord does take some emotion. And the routines of church can also take an emotional toll on us. We need to be refreshed and revived from time to time. Hopefully this break has allowed that to take place. Let's not forget the importance of church. And lets not put a schedule or routine ahead of the joy of gathering. Let's just gather and delight in the Lord as often as we can.

We hope to see all of our church family soon! We encourage you to use your best judgement about returning to a public gathering. We will continue to pray for and encourage one another in the Lord. And when we gather let us be glad!

In Christ

Pastor Wes


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